Mark Fennell RBSA

News and events

tagged paintingworkshops

Palette knife portrait painting workshop.

Had a fun day running a portrait painting with palette knives workshop for Rickmansworth art society.

Portrait painting workshops in Cornwall.

Another two very enjoyable portrait painting workshops at Truro Arts Company.
This was my first one at their fantastic shop in Truro city centre, next year i should be teaching back at their coachouse studio in the heart of the Cornish countryside just outside Truro.
So nice to get down to St Agnes afterwards!

Painting workshops in the Cotswolds and Stroud.

As things are starting to get back to normal i'm getting back to running painting courses in some lovely venues and locations across the country. Here are a few pictures of my workshops
for Pure Artwork Studio and Pegasus Art. I'm looking forward to the other courses that i have lined at these venues and more this year.

Portrait painting demonstration.
Another enjoyable portrait painting demo, I felt the pressure on this one painting Patrick from life for Eastcote art society.
I think a backdrop and more dramatic lighting would have helped!

Portrait painting from life demonstration.
I had a fun evening painting Marilyn from life at Wendover art club, with less than 2 hrs to do the job i had work extremely fast.

Painting workshop in Brill village.
My first ever Brill village oil and acrylics painting workshop was a lot of fun, very impressed with the work!

My next oil and acrylics workshop is september 3rd – october 8th, every tuesday morning 10am – 1pm, book early, 8 easels available, or bring your own. Beginners welcome!